Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Mind Messaging: Thoughts Transmitted by Brain-to-Brain Link

In an experiment that sounds more like science fiction than reality, two humans were able to send greetings to each other using only a digital connection linking their brains.
Using noninvasive means, researchers made brain recordings of a person in India thinking the words "hola" and "ciao," and then decoded and emailed the messages to France, where a machine converted the words into brain stimulation in another person, who perceived the signals as flashes of light. From the sequence of flashes, the French recipient was able to successfully interpret the greetings, according to a new study published today (Sept. 5) in the journal PLOS ONE. [Inside the Brain: A Photo Journey Through Time]
The researchers wanted to know if it is possible for two people to communicate by reading out the brain activity of one person and injecting that activity into a second person.
"Could we develop an experiment that would bypass the talking or typing part of [the] Internet and establish direct brain-to-brain communication between subjects located far away from each other, in India and France?" co-author Dr. Alvaro Pascual-Leone said in a statement. Pascual-Leone is a neurologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, and a professor at Harvard Medical School, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
To answer that question, Pascual-Leone and his colleagues at Starlab Barcelona, in Spain, and Axilum Robotics, in Strasbourg, France, turned to several widely used brain technologies.
Electroencephalogram, or EEG, recordings are taken by placing a cap of electrodes on a person's scalp, and recording the electrical activity of large regions of the brain's cortex. Previous studies have recorded EEG from a person thinking about an action, such as moving his or her arm, while a computer translates the signal into an output used to move a robotic exoskeleton or drive a wheelchair.
In other studies, a method called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been used to stimulate parts of the brain by applying tiny electrical currents to the scalp. This causes the neurons in a certain area to fire. For example, TMS can make a person's muscles twitch or can produce flashes of light in his or her visual field.
In the current study, the researchers linked these two processes, EEG recording and TMS. Four healthy volunteers took part in the mind-messaging experiment. One person, (the word sender) was hooked up to an EEG-based brain-computer interface; the other three people (the word recipients) received the messages in the form of TMS, and had to interpret the words based on the flashes they saw.
Using the system, the message sender, in India, transmitted the words "hola" (Spanish for "hello") and "Ciao" (Italian for "hello"/"goodbye") to the message recipients in France, located 5,000 miles (8,000 kilometers) away. All three recipients correctly translated the message, the researchers said.

In a second experiment, with volunteers in Spain and France, the total error rate for message transmission was 15 percent, and more of the error came from decoding the words than from encoding them, the researchers said.
The findings show it is possible to transmit a thought (albeit a very basic one) from one person to another without requiring the transmitter to speak or write, the researchers said.
"We believe these experiments represent an important first step in exploring the feasibility of complementing or bypassing traditional language-based or motor-based communication," Pascual-Leone said.
But the researchers stop short of calling it telepathy. The dictionary defines telepathy as communicating thoughts directly from one mind to another without using words or signals, but most scientists probably have something more sophisticated in mind than producing a light flash that means "hello."
Scientists previously demonstrated a human brain-to-brain connection that allowed one person to transmit a command to move another person's finger. And other experiments have demonstrated a kind of brain-to-brain connection between two rats and between two monkeys. Still, the technology remains in its early stages, most experts agree.

Beyin Dalgaları

Beyin titreşimlerinin tespiti ilk defa Richard Caton tarafından 1875 yılında yapıldı. Bugüne kadar geçen yüz otuz yıla rağmen bu konuda hala sırlarını çözemediğimiz beyin, değişik dalga boylarında titreşiyor. Taşıdığımız bir sürü duygunun ve ruh halimizin beynimizde titreşimsel bir karşılığı olduğunu öğrenmek ise yıllarımızı aldı.
Yukarıdaki cümlelerin içinde saklı duyguların her birinde beynimiz, ayrı dalga boyunda frekanslarda titreşimler yayıyor. İsimlendirilen her dalga boyunun salınımı, duygu değişimleri sırasında frekansını değiştiriyor.
Kısacası Beyniniz bir radyo gibidir. elektrik dalgalarını alır ve yayar. Frekanslar, elektrik faaliyetlerinin ölçüldüğü ve grafiğinin çıkarıldığı aralıklardır. Her şey bir ölçüde frekans yaydığı için frekanslar etrafınızı sarar ve bedeninize bile nüfuz eder. Yeryüzünün ise kendine özgü frekansları vardır.
Bedeniniz hareket ettiğinde, bu hareketler etrafınıza iletilir. İyonosfer katmanı (buna iyonosferik kovuk da denir) yaklaşık 9.5 cps’lik(saniyedeki devirler, 7.5 civarındaydı ama şimdi çok hızlı şekilde artıyor) frekansa sahiptir. Bedeniniz 6.8 ve 9.5 Hz arasında titreşiyor. İskeletiniz ve iç organlarınızın birbiriyle uyumlu hareketleri yaklaşık 8 ile 9 cps hızındadır. Bu da şu anlama gelir: bedeniniz ve iyonosferik kovuk toplamda eş zamanlı hareket eder.
Gezegenle birlikte yankılanırsınız ve birbirinizle enerji alışverişinde bulunursunuz. Ne kadar uzaklıktan enerjinizi yeryüzünün elektromanyetik kovuğuyla paylaşabilir ve enerjinizi yayabilirsiniz? Yaklaşık 40.000 km. ya da gezegenin yaklaşık tüm çevre uzunluğu kadar. Başka bir deyişle, zihninizden ve bedeninizden gelen sinyaller bu iyonosfer kovuğu vasıtasıyla tüm gezegene yaklaşık saniyenin yetmişte biri kadar hızda yayılır. İnsan bedenleri ve çevre arasındaki frekans bağı nedeniyle güneş/ay/fırtına/gökgürültüsü ve insan davranışlarındaki değişiklikler (mesela: dolunay deliliği) arasında bir ilişki vardır. Hatta benzer ilişki güneş ışınları ile hisse senedi fiyatları arasında da buna benzer bir ilişki vardır. Sadece biz çevremizi etkilemiyoruz, çevremiz de bizi etkiliyor. Çünkü her ikimiz de aynı frekansta (7-9.5 cps) titreşiyoruz. Ya da daha iyi bir ifadeyle biz ve gezegen aynı şekilde frekans değiştiriyoruz.
Zihin gücü tekniklerini uygulamaya başladığınızda düşünceleriniz “bulanık geçici arzular” peşinde olmadığında isteğiniz somut ve gerçek olur. Zihnin frekanslarını anladığınızda başkalarının düşünce dalgalarının da kolaylıkla sizinkiyle uyumlu olduğunu göreceksiniz. Gezegensel frekans arttıkça sizin kişisel frekansınız da artacak. Bu nedenle, gerçekleştirme gücünüzü daha kolay ve daha hızlı kullanabileceksiniz. Bu noktadaki şunu bilmelisiniz ki içinde bulunduğumuz gezegenin modern zamanı zihin gücünüzü geliştirmek için en iyi zamandır.
İnsan beyninin yaptığı zihinsel aktiviteye göre belli frekansları vardır.
BETA: 14-30 cps – zihin fiziksel bir aktivite ile meşgulse ya da tetikteyse
ALFA: 7-13 cps – hayal kurduğunuzda ya da düşüncelere daldığınızda
TETA: 3.5-7 cps – uyuya kaldığınız an
DELTA: 0.5-3.5 cps – en derin uykuya daldığınız an
Frekansları Teta’dan Alfa’ya be Beta’ya değişmesine dikkat edin. Nasıl arttığını fark ettiniz mi? Gezegenin frekansı artıyor…bu gezegeninde uyandığı anlamına gelir mi?.Düşüncelerinizin sizin ve çevreniz üzerinde farklı etkileri olur.
Alfa ve Teta durumu özellikle en yararlı olanlarıdır ve bu iki beyin durumuna daha çok başvurulur. Beyin durumu ne kadar düşerse kafanız o kadar rahattır.
Bu beyin durumlarına ulaşmak;
1. Beyin dalgalarınız iyonosferin doğal frekansına daha yakın olacaktır…yani çevrenizi lehinize kullanmak ve etkilemek daha kolay olacaktır. Çevre derken bulutlardan, yerden, ağaçlardan bahsetmiyoruz…yaşadığınız alanı kapsayan mekanı,enerjiyi,zamanı kastetiyoruz.
2. Zihninizi kullanmak için farkındalığınız ve yeteneğiniz daha kolay ve daha güçlü hale gelecektir. Bu tüm zihin gücü çalışmanızı etkileyecektir. Farkındalığın çeşitli hallerine ve bilincin çeşitli aşamalarına ulaşabileceksiniz.
3. Kalp atışınız yavaşlayacak ve bedensel fonksiyonlarınız rahat konuma gelecektir. Unutmayın giriş bölümünde içsel bedensel fonksiyonlarınızla bilinçaltınız nasıl ilgileniyordu? Zihninizin uğraşacağı bir sürü işi var, hücre bölünmesinden tutun, kan pompalamaya, sinir uyaranlarını analiz etmekten anı depolamaya kadar bir sürü şey. Zihniniz kesinlikle meşguldür ve tüm bunlar olurken sizde başka şeylerle uğraşıyorsunuzdur. Bunları düşünmenize bile gerek yoktur. Temel olarak, beyin dalgalarınız yavaşladıkça ve zihniniz daha da rahatladıkça bedeninizde rahatlar. O zaman zihniniz bedeninizle daha az uğraşır. Farkında olmayan zihniniz teknikleriniz üzerinde daha çok vakte sahip olur. Beden rahatladığında beyninize daha fazla kan pompalanır ve beyin daha fazla beslenir. Bunun tam tersi beden rahatlamayıncaya kadar bu teknikleri uygulayamayacağınız anlamına gelmez. Enerji seviyeniz açısından bazı şeyleri kolaylaştırmak için teknikleri boş mideyle deneyin (aç değil, boş) farkı hissedeceksiniz.
4. Beyin dalgalarınız yavaşladıkça daha iyi odaklanırsınız.
5. Siz beyninizin farklı bölümlerine ve fonksiyonlarına ulaşırken bu konuda eğitimsiz olanlara fark atarsınız.
Düşünceleriniz vardığı yerde engelleri rahatlıkla aşabilir. Yani düşünceleriniz bir başkasının düşüncelerine rahatlıkla karışabilecek yeteneğe sahiptir. Bu halde kişiyi programlayabilirsiniz. Beyninizi alfa durumuna getirmek zihninizi lehinize kullanmanın ve etkilemenin ilk anahtarıdır.
Elektroensefalograf beyindeki elektriksel faaliyetleri ölçer. Bu ölçümler, beyinde her biri kendine özgü işlevlere sahip dört farklı durum saptanmıştır. Bunlar Alfa, Beta, Teta, ve Delta' dır.
Beta, fazlasıyla meşgul olduğumuz hallerde devreye girer. Hızlı, seri ve inişli çıkışlı dalgalardır. Heyecanımız arttığında veya dış faktörlerce fazlaca uyarıldığımızda beta dalgaları yayınlamaya başlarız. Konuşan biri, ders veren bir öğretmen beta dalgaları yayar. Konuşma sırasında tartışma çıkarsa, ortalık gerginleşirse beta dalgalarının frekansı artar.
Alfa dalgaları ise; rahatlayınca, heyecan yatıştığında devreye girer. Alfa dalgalarının beta dalgalarına kıyasla genliği daha yüksek, frekansı daha düşük. Beta dalgaları saniyede 15 ila 40 Hz yaparken, alfa dalgaları saniyede 9 ila 14 Hz arasında devir yapıyor. Elinizdeki iş bitince, bir toplantıdan dışarıya çıkıp hava aldığınızda alfa dalgaları gene faaliyete geçiyor.
Teta, zihnimizin bilinçsiz olduğu hallerde ortaya çıkmakta. Frekansı çok düşüktür, saniyede 5 ila 8 Hz arası .
Teta dalgaları bastırılmış duygular ortaya çıktığında aktifleşiyor. Yaratıcılık için ihtiyaç duyulan beyinsel bağlantılar da teta dalgaları sayesinde kuruluyor.
Uzun bir yolda ilerlerken, yürüyüşe çıkıp bedeninizi dinlendirmek istediğinizde, gene ilginç ve yaratıcı fikirlerin dalgası teta işbaşındadır.
Delta, frekansı en düşük olan dalgadır tespit edilenler arasında. Saniyede 1.5 ila 4 Hz arasında gidip gelir. Son derece de düzensiz yayılır. Bilinçsiz zihnin en derinlerinde, uykunun en derin saatlerinde bu dalgaları yayar beynimiz.
Yatakta kitap okurken de yayılan dalgalar gene betaya dönüverir. Uykumuz gelince önce düşük frekanslı beta, kitabı okumayı bırakıp yanı başınıza koyunca alfa, uykuya geçmeye başlayınca teta, uyku derinleşince de deta devreye giriyor.
Araştırmalar teta ve delta dalgalarının özellikle yaratıcılıkla ilgili olduğunu, bu dalgaların beynimizin içine doğru odaklanmamıza yardım ettiğini ve yaratıcı düşünceyi ortaya çıkardığını ileri sürüyorlar. Bu dalgaların en aktif olduğu dönem uykudan uyanma dönemidir. Bu nedenle uykudan uyanma süreci yaratıcılık açısından en yararlı dönemdir. Buna örnek olarak Descartes, en çok uyandıktan sonra, yatakta uykulu, yarı uykulu bulurmuş yeni fikirleri.
Yaratıcılık ile beynin dalgaları arasında ilintili olduğu belirginleştikçe, beynin elektriksel çalışmasını düzenleme faaliyetleri de daha popülerleşiyor. Birçok uzak doğu geleneği, aslında beynin kendisini dingin bir hale getirmeye yarıyor.
Beynin dalgalarına egemen olduğunuzda, sinirlenmeyen, aşırı heyecana kapılmayan, zihni yaratıcılık sürecini uzatabilen biri haline geliyorsunuz. Kas gücünü çalıştırır gibi beynin dalgalarını çalıştırabiliyor, istediğiniz yönde harekete geçirebiliyorsunuz. Ne düşünüyorsanız osunuz. kendinize iyilik yapın olumsuz şeylerden ziyade olumlu düşünün.


8 Remarkable Early Maps

All Nobel Prizes

Monday, November 7, 2016

Black Painting (Francisco Goya)

The Black Paintings (Spanish: Pinturas negras) is the name given to a group of fourteen paintings by Francisco Goya from the later years of his life, likely between 1819 and 1823. They portray intense, haunting themes, reflective of both his fear of insanity and his bleak outlook on humanity. In 1819, at the age of 72, Goya moved into a two-story house outside Madrid that was called Quinta del Sordo (Deaf Man's Villa). Although the house had been named after the previous owner, who was deaf, Goya too was nearly deaf at the time as a result of an illness he had suffered when he was 46. The paintings originally were painted as murals on the walls of the house, later being "hacked off the walls and attached to canvas." Currently they are held in the Museo del Prado in Madrid.

After the Napoleonic Wars and the internal turmoil of the changing Spanish government, Goya developed an embittered attitude toward mankind. He had a first-hand and acute awareness of panic, terror, fear and hysteria. He had survived two near-fatal illnesses, and grew increasingly anxious and impatient in fear of relapse. The combination of these factors is thought to have led to his production of the fourteen works known collectively as the Black Paintings.

Using oil paints and working directly on the walls of his dining and sitting rooms, Goya created works with dark, disturbing themes. The paintings were not commissioned and were not meant to leave his home. It is likely that the artist never intended the works for public exhibition: "...these paintings are as close to being hermetically private as any that have ever been produced in the history of Western art."

Goya did not give titles to the paintings, or if he did, he never revealed them. Most names used for them are designations employed by art historians. Initially, they were catalogued in 1828 by Goya’s friend, Antonio Brugada. The series is made up of the following pictures: Atropos (The Fates) (Átropos/Las Parcas), Two Old Men (Dos viejos/Un viejo y un fraile), Two Old Men Eating Soup (Dos viejos comiendo sopa), Fight with Cudgels (Duelo a garrotazos/La riña), Witches' Sabbath (Aquelarre/El Gran Cabrón), Men Reading (Hombres leyendo), Judith and Holofernes (Judith y Holofernes), A Pilgrimage to San Isidro (La romería de San Isidro), Women Laughing (Mujeres riendo), Procession of the Holy Office (Peregrinación a la fuente de San Isidro/Procesión del Santo Oficio), The Dog (Perro semihundido/El perro), Saturn Devouring His Son (Saturno devorando a un hijo), La Leocadia (Una manola: doña Leocadia Zorrilla), and Fantastic Vision (Visión fantástica/Asmodea).

Saturday, November 5, 2016


Lithography (from Ancient Greek λίθος, lithos, meaning "stone", and γράφειν, graphein, meaning "to write") is a method of printing originally based on the immiscibility of oil and water. The printing is from a stone (lithographic limestone) or a metal plate with a smooth surface. It was invented in 1796 by German author and actor Alois Senefelder as a cheap method of publishing theatrical works. Lithography can be used to print text or artwork onto paper or other suitable material.

Lithography originally used an image drawn with oil, fat, or wax onto the surface of a smooth, level lithographic limestone plate. The stone was treated with a mixture of acid and gum arabic, etching the portions of the stone that were not protected by the grease-based image. When the stone was subsequently moistened, these etched areas retained water; an oil-based ink could then be applied and would be repelled by the water, sticking only to the original drawing. The ink would finally be transferred to a blank paper sheet, producing a printed page. This traditional technique is still used in some fine art printmaking applications.

In modern lithography, the image is made of a polymer coating applied to a flexible aluminum plate. The image can be printed directly from the plate (the orientation of the image is reversed), or it can be offset, by transferring the image onto a flexible sheet (rubber) for printing and publication.

As a printing technology, lithography is different from intaglio printing (gravure), wherein a plate is either engraved, etched, or stippled to score cavities to contain the printing ink; and woodblock printing or letterpress printing, wherein ink is applied to the raised surfaces of letters or images. Today, most types of high-volume books and magazines, especially when illustrated in colour, are printed with offset lithography, which has become the most common form of printing technology since the 1960s.

The related term "photolithography" refers to when photographic images are used in lithographic printing, whether these images are printed directly from a stone or from a metal plate, as in offset printing. In fact, "photolithography" is used synonymously with "offset printing". The technique as well as the term were introduced in Europe in the 1850s. Beginning in the 1960s, photolithography has played an important role in the fabrication and mass production of integrated circuits in the microelectronics industry.

  History of Printing 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

To Scale: The Solar System

As one of my friend says "a marble floating in the nothing"

What makes something "Kafkaesque"? - Noah Tavlin

Edgar Allan Poe's Murder Mystery Dinner Party

Edgar Allan Poe invites some of history's most famous authors to play a murder mystery game, but things don't go quite as planned. On August 22nd, bring your appetite for murder.

A new eleven part murder mystery comedy series
Produced by Shipwrecked Comedy
In Association with American Black Market

Written & Created by Sean Persaud & Sinead Persaud

Directed by William J. Stribling


Alkaloids are a group of naturally occurring chemical compounds that mostly contain basic nitrogen atoms. This group also includes some related compounds with neutral and even weakly acidic properties. Some synthetic compounds of similar structure are also termed alkaloids. In addition to carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, alkaloids may also contain oxygen, sulfur and, more rarely, other elements such as chlorine, bromine, and phosphorus.

Alkaloids are produced by a large variety of organisms including bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals. They can be purified from crude extracts of these organisms by acid-base extraction. Alkaloids have a wide range of pharmacological activities including antimalarial (e.g. quinine), antiasthma (e.g. ephedrine), anticancer (e.g. homoharringtonine), cholinomimetic (e.g. galantamine), vasodilatory (e.g. vincamine), antiarrhythmic (e.g. quinidine), analgesic (e.g. morphine), antibacterial (e.g. chelerythrine), and antihyperglycemic activities (e.g. piperine).[ Many have found use in traditional or modern medicine, or as starting points for drug discovery. Other alkaloids possess psychotropic (e.g. psilocin) and stimulant activities (e.g. cocaine, caffeine, nicotine, theobromine), and have been used in entheogenic rituals or as recreational drugs. Alkaloids can be toxic too (e.g. atropine, tubocurarine). Although alkaloids act on a diversity of metabolic systems in humans and other animals, they almost uniformly evoke a bitter taste.

The boundary between alkaloids and other nitrogen-containing natural compounds is not clear-cut. Compounds like amino acid peptides, proteins, nucleotides, nucleic acid, amines, and antibiotics are usually not called alkaloids. Natural compounds containing nitrogen in the exocyclic position (mescaline, serotonin, dopamine, etc.) are usually classified as amines rather than as alkaloids. Some authors, however, consider alkaloids a special case of amines.

Rainbow Gathering (Music Festival)

Rainbow Gatherings are temporary loosely knit communities of people who congregate annually in remote forests around the world for one or more weeks at a time to enact a supposedly shared ideology of peace, harmony, freedom, and respect.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Rosenhan experiment was a famous experiment done in order to determine the validity of psychiatric diagnosis, conducted by psychologist David Rosenhan, a Stanford University professor, and published by the journal Science in 1973 under the title "On being sane in insane places". The study is considered an important and influential criticism of psychiatric diagnosis. It was while listening to one of R. D. Laing's lectures that Rosenhan wondered if there was a way in which the reliability of psychiatric diagnoses could be tested experimentally.
Rosenhan's study was done in two parts. The first part involved the use of healthy associates or "pseudopatients" (three women and five men, including Rosenhan himself) who briefly feigned auditory hallucinations in an attempt to gain admission to 12 different psychiatric hospitals in five different states in various locations in the United States. All were admitted and diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. After admission, the pseudopatients acted normally and told staff that they felt fine and had no longer experienced any additional hallucinations. All were forced to admit to having a mental illness and agree to take antipsychotic drugs as a condition of their release. The average time that the patients spent in the hospital was 19 days. All but one were diagnosed with schizophrenia "in remission" before their release.
The second part of his study involved an offended hospital administration challenging Rosenhan to send pseudopatients to its facility, whom its staff would then detect. Rosenhan agreed and in the following weeks out of 193 new patients the staff identified 41 as potential pseudopatients, with 19 of these receiving suspicion from at least one psychiatrist and one other staff member. In fact, Rosenhan had sent no one to the hospital.
The study concluded "it is clear that we cannot distinguish the sane from the insane in psychiatric hospitals" and also illustrated the dangers of dehumanization and labeling in psychiatric institutions. It suggested that the use of community mental health facilities which concentrated on specific problems and behaviors rather than psychiatric labels might be a solution and recommended education to make psychiatric workers more aware of the social psychology of their facilities.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

La Vieille Dame et les Pigeons

Sylvain Chomet (born 10 November 1963) is a French comic writer, animator and film director. 

The Old Lady and the Pigeons (La Vieille dame et les pigeons) (short) (1997)
The Triplets of Belleville (Les Triplettes de Belleville, or Belleville Rendez-vous) (2003)
Paris, je t'aime (segment "Tour Eiffel (VIIe arrondissement)") (2006)
The Illusionist (L'illusionniste) (2010)
Attila Marcel (2013)
The Thousand Miles (2017)

Friday, June 3, 2016

2016 Guthman Musical Instrument Competition Final Concert

Kung Fury

Kung Fury is a 2015 English-language Swedish martial arts action comedy short film written, directed by, and starring David Sandberg. It pays homage to 1980s martial arts and police action films. The film stars David Sandberg in the titular role with Jorma Taccone, Leopold Nilsson, and a cameo appearance by David Hasselhoff.
The film was crowdfunded through Kickstarter from December 2013 to January 2014 with pledges reaching US$630,019, exceeding the original target goal of $200,000, but short of the feature film goal of $1 million. It was selected to screen in the Directors' Fortnight section at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival, losing to Rate Me from the United Kingdom.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Beer by Charles Bukowski


I don't know how many bottles of beer
I have consumed while waiting for things
to get better
I dont know how much wine and whisky
and beer mostly beer
I have consumed after
splits with women-waiting for the phone to ring
waiting for the sound of footsteps,
and the phone to ring
waiting for the sounds of footsteps,
and the phone never rings
until much later
and the footsteps never arrive
until much later
when my stomach is coming up
out of my mouth
they arrive as fresh as spring flowers:
"what the hell have you done to yourself?
it will be 3 days before you can fuck me!"

the female is durable
she lives seven and one half years longer
than the male, and she drinks very little beer
because she knows its bad for the figure.

while we are going mad
they are out
dancing and laughing
with horney cowboys.

well, there's beer
sacks and sacks of empty beer bottles
and when you pick one up
the bottle fall through the wet bottom
of the paper sack
spilling gray wet ash
and stale beer,
or the sacks fall over at 4 a.m.
in the morning
making the only sound in your life.

rivers and seas of beer
the radio singing love songs
as the phone remains silent
and the walls stand
straight up and down
and beer is all there is.

Pilobolus: A performance merging dance and biology

Ulay & Abramović "AAA AAA" [1978]

Invisible Man

Gordon Parks and Ralph Ellison are both recognized as major figures in American art and literature: Parks, a renowned photographer and filmmaker, was best known for his poignant and humanizing photo-essays for Life magazine. Ellison authored one of the most acclaimed—and debated—novels of the 20th century, Invisible Man (1952). What is less known about these two esteemed artists is that their friendship, coupled with a shared vision of racial injustices and a belief in the communicative power of photography, inspired collaboration on two projects, one in 1948 and another in 1952.

Capitalizing on the growing popularity of the picture press, Parks and Ellison first joined forces in 1948, on an essay titled “Harlem Is Nowhere,” for ’48: The Magazine of the Year, which focused on Harlem’s Lafargue Mental Hygiene Clinic as a means of highlighting the social and economic effects of racism and segregation. In 1952 they again worked together, producing “A Man Becomes Invisible” for Life magazine, which illustrated scenes from Ellison’s Invisible Man. Both projects aimed to make the black experience visible in postwar America, with Harlem as its nerve center. However, neither essay was published as originally conceived—the first was lost, while only a fragment of the second appeared in print.

This exhibition reunites for the first time the surviving photographs and texts intended for the two projects, including never-before-seen photographs by Parks from the collections of the Art Institute and the Gordon Parks Foundation and unpublished manuscripts by Ellison. Revealed in these frank depictions of Harlem is Ellison and Parks’s symbiotic insistence on making race a larger, universal issue, finding an alternative, productive means of representing African American life, and importantly, staking a claim for the black individual within—rather than separate from—the breadth of American culture.